WP11TNUA Is Huawei BSC6900 GSM TDM Board
Huawei BSC6900 GSM TDM Board WP11TNUA Overview
The WP11TNUA board is the TDM switching board. It provides the TDM switching and serves as the center of the circuit switched domain. This board can be called 'the TDM switching center'. The switching is
performed by the TNUa boards and the inter-TNUa cables.
The WP11TNUA board is applicable to the BSC6900 GSM & BSC6900 GU. This board can be configured in board redundancy mode, as you may see in the below Device Panel view of a BSC. When two TNUa boards are configured to work in board redundancy or backup mode, one TNUa board is active and the other is on standby. The standby board synchronizes its data with that on the active board in real time.
The active and standby TNUa boards automatically perform a switchover called 'automatic switchover'. However, the manual swichover can also be performed by using the command SWP BRD, which will switch over the active and standby TNUa boards.